How to order our service: we do not accept verbal orders, all orders require written confirmation. In the case of companies is required by fax or scan the order form (download) with the stamp and signature. For individual clients email confirmation with full payment before the service. The client must give us both all company dates and mobile contacts. In most cases, the company Pentagos require an advance payment by the customer.

Payment: The amount to be paid within the period specified in the contract in cash or by bank transfer after the service and the issuing of the bill. Transfer is possible only after prior consultation with the agency Pentagos. With credit card payment company Pentagos We charge 2.5% extra. For large orders, the customer will be required to pay a fixed advance payment.

Complaints: Any complaints must be notified by SMS and in addition the client is obliged to inform us by telephone at the breakdown, if something wrong happens.

complaints in case of security and cleaning of exhibition stands

CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS NOT ONCE THE PHONE WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED BY PENTAGOS (complaints will be considered only if made immediately by telephone (in the case of cleaning, within 30 minutes of arrival at the stand; in the case of security, immediately on arrival before the security personnel leave)

In the case of mass events

No complaints reported immediately by telephone will not be accepted by Pentagos, the complaint must be submitted on an ongoing basis during the event, so that the two parties can verify the facts.

Latest Projects


ITM Poland 2013 - stands cleaning and stands security
Recently finished ITM Poland 2013 fair are one of the biggest in our part of Europe m...


Ochrona i sprzatanie stoisk podczas targów Polagra 2011
Between 11 - 15 September 2011 was another 26 edition of Polagra, during which our ...


Security and Stand Cleaning - ITM Poland 2011
Between 14 - 17 June 2011 was another edition of ITM Poland during which our company has once...


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