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ITM 2023 - hostesses and interpreters

The recently finished ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE 2023 is the largest and most significant industrial trade fair in our part of Europe. World-class exhibitors, professionals in the fields of production automation, metallurgy and metalworking, state-of-the-art machines and technologies, an extensive program of accompanying events and a unique atmosphere - all this makes the fair a must-see on the calendar of professionals looking for innovation and optimized solutions for the fourth industrial revolution. Hostesses from our agency were also there.

Ania and Jagoda provided fast and efficient waiter service to the booth, taking the burden off the exhibitors. Natalia and Martyna brewed the best coffee at the fair and performed first reception duties for an Italian customer. Sandra actively informed about the exhibitor‘s products and collected contacts of interested contractors. Alicja, in addition to her standard assistance at the booth, also assisted with Polish-English trade talks. We thank the cooperating companies for their trust and invite them to cooperate with us in the years to come.


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Hostesses at Instalacje Securex Sawo 2022 trade fair
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Hostess agency from Poznan during Budma 2019 trade fair
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ITM Poland 2013 - interpreters and hostesses
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Tłumaczki i hostessy na targach ITm 2012
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Nasze hostessy w obiektywie - Instalacje 2012
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Hostessy podczas targów Budma 2012
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24 hostessy agencji Pentagos pracowały podczas targów Agro Show 2011
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Our hostesses, interpraters and models at ITM Poland 2011 fairs
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Hostessy i tłumaczki na targach Budma 2011
Podczas 20stej jubileuszowej edycji targów Budma 2011 – zaprezentowało się prawie 1500 firm zarówno z Polski jaki i z zagranicy. Międzynarodowe targi budowlane można było zwiedzać od 11-13 stycznia. Na zwiedzających czekały ekspozycje specjalne, interaktywne pokazy, specjalistyczne konferencje. Największe targi budowlane w naszej części Europy tematem objęły wszystkie etapy ...
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January 9, 2011 took place the final gala of the contest ,,Miss Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity - GOCC ’’, where a dozen beautiful girls presented their charms. We have the opportunity to boast, that our hostess-interpreter Agnes received the title: I viceMiss GOCC 2011, Miss Audience GOCC 2011 and Miss Best filmed GOCC 2011. Agnes addition to its natural beauty and also has many ...
Our photo model - hostess Natalia elected Second Vice Miss Polonia 2010
Our photo model - hostess Natalia was chosen Second Vice Miss Polonia 2010.Natalia is a very beautiful woman, but also intelligent and ambitious. Currently studying English philology in Poznan, and uses linguistic knowledge gained while working at fairs, conferences. Natalie wants to be a translator of English. With the aid of Natalia not once used by foreign companies issuing the fair in Poznan. ...
28 girls from our agency participated in the fair Poleko 2010
28 girls representing Pentagos agencies had the opportunity to welcome visitors and encourage visitors to visit the booths of our customers. As with any large event of this type in addition to serving refreshments and distribution of advertising materials - the hostesses were engaged in translating English, German, Russian, Ukrainian and Turkish.28 girls representing Pentagos agencies had the ...
Tour Salon 2010
On Poznan International Fair on the tourism fair our hostesses helped  use of the stand, and their friend that serves as a moderator-lecturer encouraged to visit the booth operated by our company. She has also contests and quizzes, which attracted great interest.
Hostessy,tłumaczki na Agro Show 2010
On 24-26 September, there was another edition of agriculture - Agro Show. As every year, our hostess had opportunities welcomes visitors and encourage visitors to visit the booths of our customers. Hostesses wore special costumes prepared by costumes.
Our hostesses - bartenders on ITM 2010
On 26-29 April 2010 in Poznan, our hostess gave meals and distribution of leaflets, served also features interpreters in English, German, Korean, Russian and Spanish. For our permanent partner Gebo Agata worked our bartender. The company was so pleased that it reserved the help of a bartender at fairs Wod-Kan, which took place three weeks later in Bydgoszcz.
Our hostess, a bartender and at Polagra 2009
Our hostess, a bartender and at Polagra 2009
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ITM 2023 - hostesses and interpreters
The recently finished ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE 2023 is the largest and most significant industrial trade f...


Hostesses at Instalacje Securex Sawo 2022 trade fair
The INSTALACJE - SECUREX - SAWO 2022 trade fair is behind us, and this time we had to ...

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Profil przegl�dany Today 15:49:21


Age: 30
Catalog Number: 1320

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Age: 36
Catalog Number: 1209

Profil przegl�dany Today 13:24:32


Age: 33
Catalog Number: 1279
Recently booked

Reserved 6.02.2024


Age: 32
Catalog Number: 1266

Reserved 9.01.2024


Age: 20
Catalog Number: 1396
BUDMA 2024

Reserved 9.01.2024


Age: 26
Catalog Number: 1401
BUDMA 2024

Reserved 22.11.2023


Age: 26
Catalog Number: 1401

Reserved 17.11.2023


Age: 28
Catalog Number: 1405

Reserved 29.06.2023


Age: 26
Catalog Number: 1401
Agro Show Bednary 2023

Reserved 29.06.2023


Age: 28
Catalog Number: 1225
Agro Show Bednary 2023

Reserved 29.06.2023


Age: 22
Catalog Number: 1392
Agro Show Bednary 2023

Reserved 6.12.2022


Age: 40
Catalog Number: 1222
BUDMA 2023

Reserved 29.11.2022


Age: 32
Catalog Number: 1266
BUDMA 2023

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